Sunday, July 31, 2011

New Bed

Day 196    July 26th
Layer one of Bed#4

New Wheelbarrow

Day 195   July 25th
Sparkling new wheelbarrow is being broken in.


Day 194       July24th
More dressed trees. 


Day 193   July 23rd
Every July Warwick has a Jazz and Jumpers festival.  There is music at various locations, craft exhibits and decorated trees!


Day192   July 22nd
This horse lives at the edge of the Oasis caravan park.  She is either extremely curious about humans or expects us to feed her. Whatever the reason, whenever we stepped out of our door she ambled over to accept a pat.

Clean up

Day191   July 21st
 The drainage work has left quite a mess to clean up. More precisely it has consolidated lots of small messes we were pretending were not there.

Not much root

Day 190   July 20th
The remaining beetroots do not seem to have much root.  Fortunately the leaves are also edible.


Day 189  July 19th Pine bark


Day188   July 18th It's not exactly a bumper crop but it's the best yet. I have to check daily that someone else doesn't get in first.

Oh Dear

Day 187   July 17th
 The frangipani looks very sorry for itself.


Day 186   July 16th A pile of bark for mulch and one of soil for the new bed have been dumped on the front lawn ready for transporting to the back yard at our leisure!

Empire Building

Day 184   July 14th Some plants will attempt to cross any barrier to establish a new colony.

Jack and the Lettuce Stalk

Day 183   July 13th
The gone to seed lettuce seems more inclined to reach for the sky than the beans. It's hard to get the lettuce quantities right.  In the summer they shoot up so quickly you can barely get a feed before they go up.  Now it's cooler, but a couple of days not cutting any leaves off and up they go.


Day 182   July 12th Unlike Jack,s beanstalks and the others I've seen around my beans do not seem to have any inclination to climb. I have placed frames around some of them but they seem to prefer to coil around themselves. They are called bush beans, so maybe they don't climb. However they look healthy and unlike the others I planted (Aquadulce) they are developing beans.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 181  July 11th Someone dropped their giant marble purse.

Street Art

Day 180  July 10th
Some of the streets have statues too.

In front of the musem

Day 179  July 9th And some of the parks have statues.


Day 178   July 8th
Melbourne is full of parks, and obviously tree predators too.  I presume the bands around the trees are to protect them from possums.


Day 177   July 7th

With such straight trunks they look as if they can't be real, but they were.


Day 176   July 6th
More denuded trees with just a few 'fruits' hanging on.

Winter in Melbourne

Day 175  July 5th
There's something about naked trees that makes me feel cold. Well it was cold, but not in our room looking out of the window.


Day 174 July4th
Wayne came round so Iasked him if he could remove the bushes.  He would have liked to have poured in poisin to kill the roots. This final bush was beyond the tools he had with him.  The kitchen is now beautifully light.  What was I thinking to have wanted the bushes so high.  Perhaps that will come back to me in the summer.

Aubergine blossom

Day 173  July 3rd
Blossoms on the aubergine shrub.  They're a pale mauve colour, the colour the actual fruit would be if they were mixed with lots of titanium white.


Day 172  July 2nd
The bushes have been severely pruned ready for the new garden.

Kitchen garden

Day 171  July 1st
The garden outside the kitchen window,cut back to let the plumbers lay a drain but still standing.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Day 170  June 30th
Not exactly a feast, but promising.

More Berries

Day 169   June 29th
More berries, definately not ours and I'm pretty sure not edible. The y come from the creeper on the fence between the two houses next towards the Point. It has started to grow round the corner onto our fence and will soon meet the orange plant. Actually it won't because I plan some serious pruning.

Orange creeper

Day 168   June 28th
This creeper weaves its way along the fence ouside the kitchen and is beautiful at this time of the year. I'm not sure where it starts or even if it originates in our garden. I'm being really methodical as I chop away the other creepers along the fence because I don't want to accidentally remove this one. 

Indoor Plant

Day 167   June 27th
Still doing well in its 6th house and third spot in this one.  It needs stakes to support its luxuriant leaves on the spindly stem but it seems very healthy. It's probably time to repot it again.

Rooftop Ferns

Day166   June 26th
These ferms seem to find the roof a comfortable place to live.

Roof Garden

Day 165   June 25th
We have quite a thriving roof garden.  It must be time to clean the gutters.


Day 164   June 24th
They make a mess in the pool but the birds love them.


Day 163   June 23rd
The rosemary plant looked looked rather bedraggled after the plumber's visit.

Sad Plant

Day 162   June 22nd
This little shrub was never meant to be where it is. I didn't plant it.  It just appeared and began to thrive despite, or perhaps because of complete neglect.  But it didn't like being diturbed by the plumbers laying a new drainage pipe.  It looks very sorry for itself now.  I hope it survives.


Day 161   June 21st
Looking healthy.  I wish I could remember their name.
Day 160  June 20th I've never really noticed the pattern of potato leaves before.  These seem to be growing a little more horizontally than what I usually see, so the alternating large and small leaves are very clear.


Day 159   June 18th
The shrubery almost looks autumnal.